Move-In Cleaning Services

Move-In Cleaning Services

You deserve a fresh, clean start in your new home. But after tackling the process of finding a new home, making sense of all your belongings, packing and cleaning your old home, and hiring a moving company, who has the energy or mind to think about tidying up? Instead, let the cleaning professionals at Cíntia’s Cleaning Service take care of your move-in cleaning so you can get settled in your new home faster.

What’s Included in Move-In Cleaning Services?

While you’re busy wrapping up the packing at your old home, Cíntia’s Cleaning Service can tackle your move-in cleaning. The best time to clean your new home is while it’s empty, so be sure to add “Call Cíntia’s Cleaning Service” to your move-in checklist. Our move-in cleaning service is customized for your needs and budget, so you pick what you need, including:

  • Vacuum and sweep all floors
  • Wipe down baseboards
  • Scrub shower and bathtub
  • Scrub toilets
  • Clean sinks and countertops
  • Clean kitchen appliances
  • Dust everything

When you’re planning your move, contact us, and we’ll tell you how Cíntia’s Cleaning Service can help get your new home move-in clean.

Why Choose Cíntia’s Cleaning Service for Move-In Cleaning?

If a home looks and smells clean, it is, right? Unfortunately, that’s not always true! Removing surface dirt and spraying air fresheners can make a home look and smell fresh, but there’s no substitute for professional cleaning. Thankfully, when our Cíntia’s Cleaning Service team leaves your new home, it will look and feel clean because it truly is. Our move-in and move-out cleaning services eliminate dirt, grime, and odors with top-to-bottom cleaning.

Cíntia’s Cleaning Service move-in cleaning services deliver guaranteed results that will put a sparkling shine on your new place and a smile on your face! Your move-in cleaning team cleans room by room and tracks down dirt and buildup no matter where it tries to hide. Whether you’re moving out, moving in, or looking for a way to keep your new home clean week after week, Cíntia’s Cleaning Service is the answer.

How much does a move-in cleaning service cost?

It all depends on the size of your new home, its condition, and the specific services you want. We provide a personalized estimate for every move-in cleaning customer.

Receive a Free Customized Quote Immediately

You can get a custom quote by contacting Cíntia’s Cleaning Service. We can help save you time at both ends of your move and take on all your cleaning needs when you get settled.

Cíntia's Cleaning Services in Millbrae, CA | Since 2008

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